We never say good bye.(さよならは言わない)


The day is finally here… Our radio show which has been broadcasted since April 2010 has ended tonight.

Let me tell you how the show started. I didn’t expect that I would be a radio personality at all, I just wanted to spread the word about my activities. So I sent tons of mails to all community radio stations, like “Could I  have a 5-minute talk about what I’m doing on your program?” No other stations beside Chuo FM gave me a favorable reply!
Then I went to the studio of Chuo FM. I was asked to be a host of a radio program! I had no experience of hosting any program or even any drinking party. But to be honest, I wanted to talk in front of a microphone if the opportunity arose because I’m a big fan of radio!

ここで、改めてこの番組を始めさせていただくに至った経緯をお話できればと思いますが、 私(徳橋)は、自分でラジオ番組を持つことなど全く想定しておりませんでした。それまで約4年間続けて来た、日本に住む外国人へのインタビュー活動を、もっと多くの方々に広めるために「5分だけでも良いから御社の番組でお話させていただけませんか」と、東京中のコミュニティFM局にメールを送りました。つまりはゲスト出演のお願いです。そこで関心を持って下さったのが、唯一中央FMさんだったのです。
そして初めて茅場町のスタジオに伺ったとき、スタッフさんから「番組を持ってみないか」と言われた時は、 本当にひっくり返りそうになりました。それまでは、学校での放送委員もやったことが無ければ、宴会の司会すらもやったことが無かった人間です。でも正直な話、ラジオのパーソナリティへの憧れはありました。私のバックグラウンドはテレビですが、小さい頃からラジオっ子でしたから(笑)

I didn’t have confidence to produce an interesting program alone. So I asked Ekaterina, a Russian singer who resides in Chuo-ku, to be my co-host. I wanted to hear the stories from foreigners, so I needed a person like her. She said YES.
Then I made a show plan with Chuo FM staffs, wrote a script, brushed it up with staffs and… voices of Ekaterina & me were aired on the radio.


The very first session of My Eyes Tokyo (On April 3, 2010)
My Eyes Tokyo 第1回放送(2010年4月3日)

Sounds really flesh, huh?
We were trying to bring you foreigners’ voices as many as we could so that Japanese people would feel familiar to them. As a result, a total of 37 people that are from 16 countries came to join us.

すごく初々しいですね(汗) よくよく考えてみれば、ラジオで話すのが初めてなのにエカテリーナさんと掛け合いをし、その上ゲストのお話を引き出すなどという身の程知らずなことをやろうとしていたのです(笑)

Then we advanced to the next stage. Our new mission was to be a bridge between Japanese & foreigners. So I planned to broadcast the show in English & Japanese. In order to realize that, I needed excellent bilingual people. I thought of women who live in Tsukishima Area whom I’d already met beforehand. I talked them about my plan and they said OK. If they said No, I was going to leave airwaves!
Then the renewed My Eyes Tokyo started on April 9, 2011.

最初にお会いしたのはアイリーンさんでした。月島で不動産業を営まれている方から「私の地元に素敵な外国人の女性がいるんですが、ラジオでご紹介しませんか?」と教えていただいたのがきっかけです。そして忘れもしない月島駅近くのジョナサンで、アイリーンさんと意気投合し、何時間も話し込んでしまいました。この時「ゲストだけではもったいない。My Eyes Tokyoそのものにご協力いただけたら」と思いましたが、その時はまさかラジオ番組を一緒にやることは考えておりませんでした。それは、マヤさんに初めてお会いした時ですらそうでした。
でも番組の新たなコンセプトとして「日本語と英語のバイリンガル放送」を考えたとき、私の中では彼女たちと一緒に作っていくことを決めました。これほどの逸材はそういない – もし彼女たちに断られたら、最終回は1年前に迎えていたかもしれません。それくらい、一緒にやりたいと思ったのです。

The first session of renewed My Eyes Tokyo
My Eyes Tokyoリニューアル1回目

Sounds like an experienced personality a little bit lol
Renewed show started right after 311, so we tried to hear the stories from foreigners who were visited by the earthquake, who were trying to give a helping hand to victims and we learned how they felt about the disaster and what they needed to have in an emergency.
We also talked about the different topics, such as being a bridge between different cultures like us.


We had as many as 59 people as guests in 2 years! Thank you very much for people who spent time for us! We would like to show some comments from some guests.


Charles E. MacJilton, Executive Director of Second Harvest Japan (2HJ)
(Aired on May 29 & June 5, 2010 2010年5月29日6月5日放送分)
“I am so sorry to hear you leaving the airwaves. Your program provided a valuable picture to the world of what is happening in Japan. Thank you for sharing the good things about Japan to the world.”

Kazuya Nishikiori, manager of “Nadeshiko Sushi”
(Aired on January 22, 2011 2011年1月22日放送分)
“You did a fine job! When I was interviewed on the radio, it was a great experience for me and I learned a lot. As a Japanese, I’m happy with find your program which is trying to encourage foreigners or give information to them who are living in Japan. I’m so sad to hear that you’re leaving airwaves but I’ll keep supporting your activities!”

Kanako Iwase, Manager of refugee nail salon called “Arusha”
(Aired on October 16, 2010 & March 5, 2011 2010年10月16日2011年3月5日放送分)
“I was surprised to hear that your show will end soon… I’m glad to be given valuable experience by you. And well done! I’m looking forward to more of the activities of My Eyes Tokyo”
メッセージ・・・”お疲れさまでした!!!” 今後のMy Eyes Tokyoさんの展開も楽しみにしてますね」

Mari Hamada, Webmaster of “Nadeshiko Voice”
”なでしこVoice”代表 濱田真里さん
(Aired on January 14 & 21, 2012 2012年1月14日21日放送)
“It’s sad to hear that the show will end. Take a rest now and I hope you would be more active!”

Atsunori Tanaka, Manager of “Japan Style.Info”
“Japan Style.Info”運営 有限会社コネクトワン取締役 田中篤憲さん
(Aired on January 28, 2012 2012年1月28日放送)
“I was offered to talk on your show, but I was kind of nervous because I was not sure if I was a right person as a guest. It was the first experience for me to visit the radio station and was really impressive. Also I thought that it would be very hard to manage the team. Mr. Tokuhashi and women got along just fine and I thought you guys had a totally different talent from mine after the recording.
I guess your program, which is broadcasted both in English & Japanese, is really valuable.
I’m sad to hear that the show will end. But I would like to thank you for your trouble and looking forward to hear from you about your new projects. Anyway, take a rest!”

Thank you very much for the warmest remarks! And thank you very much for all guests, listeners, and of course, Chuo FM staffs!!


Now the new doors to the stage of life has opened. Arlene and Maya will open their own cafe in Tsukishima around mid April.
私たちは、これから新たなステージに向かいます。アイリーンさんとマヤさんは、 現在運営している月島ECCの階下に、新しくカフェをオープンします。4月半ば頃にオープン予定ですので、その際はMy Eyes TokyoのFacebookページなどでお伝え致します。

And I keep interviewing with people and am planning to start a new project for women. Also I’ll establish my own co-working space and bring you every single thing which will happen there through My Eyes Tokyo website or the SNS called “metters”. Then I would like to create places to interact with people regardless of nationality/races. Of course I’ll hold events at Arlene/Maya’s cafe, so I’m looking forward to seeing you there even after leaving airwaves!
そして私ですが、これからもMy Eyes Tokyoのインタビューサイトを続けていきますし、またキャリアアップを目指す女性向けのコンテンツも作ることを検討しています。さらにはコワーキングスペースを設け、そこで行われることを全てMy Eyes Tokyoウェブサイトに反映させたり、私たちのSNS「metters」とコワーキングスペースを連動させたりして、国籍・人種関係なくリアルに交流できる機会をどんどん設けたいと思います。もちろん、アイリーンさんとマヤさんが経営する月島の新しいカフェでもイベントを行って参りますので、番組終了後も、ぜひ中央区内で私たちと一緒に遊んでいただけるととっても嬉しいです。

So… keep in touch!!

A big Fan of MET, A big fan of J-POP!(J-POPラブなアメリカン!)

Tonight we talked to Michelle Eyre, a.k.a. Michiko Ota. She is a director of “J1 Radio”, the internet radio station based in the US which plays Japanese POP (J-POP) 24/7.



J1 RADIO – PURE JPOP ~ Japanese popular music streaming 24 hours a day. via kwout

You can listen to it from here (Registration needed).
放送は、こちらからお聴きになれます(無料の会員登録が必要です)。”Pure JPOP”のキャッチコピーの通り、本当にJPOPだけを楽しめます。

She’s been listening to our program since we started to bring you in E/J. Even though she’s been in Japan only for a short time, why did she launch such a big Japanese music station in the US? Also why does she call herself “Michiko Ota(太田道子)”? Listen to the tonight show and find the answers!

『My Eyes Tokyo』が英語と日本語のバイリンガル放送になって以来、番組をお聴きになってくださっているという道子さん。日本には少しだけ来たことがある、という程度の訪日経験だけしか持たない彼女が、なぜこのようなインターネットラジオ局を立ち上げたのか、そして、まず何よりも「なぜ”太田道子”という名前なのか?」皆さん疑問にお思いでしょう。これらの答えは、ページトップのプレイヤーから今夜の放送をお聴きになっていただいて見つけてみてくださいね。

*Michelle’s recommended J-POP: “PON PON PON” by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
*道子さんの一押しJ-POP『PON PON PON』by きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ


BTW, after we leave the airwaves on Mach 31 2012, you can see Arlene and Maya at a certain place! they’re now preparing for the opening of their own cafe in Tsukishima, Chuo-ku. It features coffee & crepe, cakes and English conversation. As you know, they’re multilingual so feel free to come and enjoy the international atmosphere in one of the Tokyo’s traditional areas! It will open around mid April!


Sending love from Ginza to Tohoku through curry!(銀座から東北へ、カレーで愛を届けよう!)

We had a Hawaii-born Japanese American guy who has been supporting the earthquake victims from the heart of Chuo City. Glen Hikari Onodera, a manager of “Il Solito”, cafe in Ginza 6-chome.

今週は、銀座から被災者支援を行われている日系アメリカ人の方をゲストにお招きしました。銀座6丁目にあるカフェ「Il Solito」(イル・ソリト)を経営している、グレン・光・小野寺さんです。

Glen’s cafe is located inside the 59 year-old bar called “TARU”. Glen manages the cafe there and it turns into the cool bar in the nighttime. Glen serves curried rice meals for lunch.



It’s really mild, not too spicy and of course really delicious! Then it sells for ¥500 including salad and a small cup of soup. Incredibly reasonable! Moreover, they serve it with coffee to the victims for free!



Il Solito didn’t exist on March 11, 2011. Glen was at another bar in Ginza which he was involved in. Moreover his wife is from Iwaki, Fukushima Pref, where is one of the devastated areas so he has been there many times since before March 11. Also he volunteered at the Ajinomoto Stadium, designated evacuation site which is located in the suburb of Tokyo, to support the evacuee from Tohoku.

震災が起きた昨年3月11日は、まだ「Il Solito」はこの世に存在しませんでした。その当日は、グレンさんは銀座6丁目にある、ご自身がプロデュースされた別のカフェにいらしたそうです。しかもグレンさんの奥様は福島県いわきのご出身。その周辺にも何度か行かれたそうです。また、東北の方々が避難されていた味の素スタジアム(東京・調布市)にも震災直後にボランティアに行きました。

His cafe opened last June. Glen asked the manager of TARU if he could serve a manager’s curried rice to evacuees for free. He said yes.
Glen wants evacuees to relax with a delicious curry meal, a cup of coffee and old black & white cinemas at a laid-back 60 year-old cafe.





B1 6-11-10 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. http://g.co/maps/fra9r
*On Trip Adviser; http://tinyurl.com/6r4aonk 

そんなグレンさんが経営するカフェ「Il Solito」。銀座にお越しの際は是非足を運び、大都会の中のスローライフを満喫されてみてはいかがでしょうか。このプロジェクトを今後も継続できるようにするためにも、ぜひ特製カレーと特製コーヒーを味わってみてください。

Then the special concert will be brought to you by Glen on March 30 (Fri)! It’s called “Haru No Ibuki (A Breath of Spring) which will be held in Ginza Oji Hall. He will play the guitar, percussion etc. with wonderful performers so don’t miss it!
See https://www.facebook.com/events/368561229831096/  for details.

3月30日(金)夜7時より、銀座の王子ホールで”春のいぶき”と題したコンサートが行われます。目玉はモンゴルの”馬頭琴”を演奏するセーンジャーさん、そして女優の秋吉久美子さんの語りですが、グレンさんもギターやパーカッションで参加します。詳しくは https://www.facebook.com/events/368561229831096/ をご覧下さい。


Also we have to tell you something.
This program, which has been broadcasted since April 2010, will end on March 31, 2012 (*It’s rerun will be aired on April 5). Thank you very much for you all who’ve supported the program!
We still have two more sessions. Next week we’ll call a big fan of My Eyes Tokyo, so don’t miss it!




1 year has past since the disaster(震災から1年)

What were you doing and where were you at the moment of 311 Earthquake occurred? We shared our experiences with our listeners. Especially I (Tokuhashi) revealed what I was doing, what I felt and how people who were with me at at that time were for the first time. Hit the play button above and listen to our stories.


Then we brought you the interview with Ken-ichi Watanabe, representative of “Genki Japan” again tonight. We heard from him about “how he’s been engaged in the reconstruction effort in the devastated areas”.


Watanabe said, “In Kesennuma, new industries other than tourism has been created. The disaster led people to think of rejuvenating Japan or their societies and they started to put them in action”. I (Tokuhashi) have been thinking that I also should do something for the quake hit areas for a year.
We My Eyes Tokyo have brought you the voices of foreigners who faced the earthquake or who went to the areas in order to give support to the victims. But I still think that I should go to the areas, look at the areas through my eyes and hear from affected people.

I’ll go to Tohoku this year.

「震災復興に向けて、例えば宮城県気仙沼市では、観光業だけでなくそれ以外の新しい産業が興ている。震災を機に”日本を、社会を、何とかしたい”という思いを持った人たちが、それを実現するべく行動に移すようになった」とおっしゃる渡邉さん。私(徳橋)も、My Eyes Tokyoとして何かをしなければと思いながら1年が過ぎてしまいました。


Attract the world to Japan!(世界から日本に人を呼びこもう!)

Tonight we introduced you to a man who’s been trying to attract people to Japan. He is Ken-ichi Watanabe, representative of “Genki Japan”. *”Genki” means vital or vigorous.

皆さんは「インバウンド」という言葉をご存知でしょうか。元々の意味は「入ってくる」「到着する」ですが、最近は「外国人旅行者を自分の国へ誘致する」という意味で使われています。2003年から始まった”Visit Japan Campaign“が、その代表です。

He couldn’t join us tonight because he is really busy. But we recorded his voice. As you see the picture above, he is a young gentleman. He talked to us calmly, but we felt his passion for rejuvenation of Japan. You’ll feel it as you hit the play button above.



GENKI JAPAN of GENKI JAPAN official page via kwout

Watanabe held  a big symposium called “Beyond Japan Meeting” on Feb 13 (Mon) at United Nation University in Tokyo. “Beyond Japan” means transmitting the high quality information about unknown Japanese culture to the world. He tries to spread the info of Japanese traditional culture/craftsman, world/local  heritage sites etc around the globe.
This project originates from “Life Beyond Tourism“, the international guideline of culture/tourism. So “Beyond Japan Meeting” was held to celebrate a kickoff of the “Life Beyond Tourism” in Japan.



Panelists included a former sumo wrestler, a former village mayor of Shirakawa (World Heritage Site), the head of Alain Ducasse Japan, a sword fight arranger who appeared in a Quentin Tarantino’s “Kill Bill”, a cuisine professional who researches samurai dishes. They really love Japanese culture, that’s why they want to let people around the world know about what they love.
We’ll continue to bring you his interview next week.


Watanabe said, “Only 2 or 3 % of Japanese cultural stuff was transmitted to the world.” That means the people of the world don’t yet know almost all of Japanese things. We My Eyes Tokyo also want whole world to know about Japan a lot more, so we’ll help his activities!

渡邉さん曰く「日本文化全体のうち、海外に伝わっているのはほんの2〜3%」とのこと。だからこそ、日本にはまだまだ多くの宝があることが伝わっていない。それらを伝えて行きたい」とのこと。My Eyes Tokyoは、日本に住む外国人に向けての発信だけでなく、海外にももっと日本の魅力を発信していきたい。その思いは渡邉さんにも負けませんので、今後ぜひ渡邉さんのご活動に、微力ながら貢献させていただけたらと考えています。

● 元気ジャパン : http://genki-japan.com/
● 渡邉さんブログ:http://genki-japan.com/blog.html