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TRIZ - Translation in English - bab.la (function(h,o,t,j,a,r){ h.hj=h.hj||function(){(h.hj.q=h.hj.q||[]).push(arguments)}; h._hjSettings={hjid:hotjarID,hjsv:6}; a=o.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; r=o.createElement('script');r.async=1; r.src=t+h._hjSettings.hjid+j+h._hjSettings.hjsv; a.appendChild(r); })(window,document,'https://static.hotjar.com/c/hotjar-','.js?sv='); loadResources = false; } } lcp

triz {masculine}

1. general
near thing {noun} (narrow escape)
near thing {noun} (near failure)
3. "escapar"
to escape by the skin of one's teeth
by the skin of one's teeth
4. colloquial

Portuguese English Contextual examples of "triz" in English

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. bab.la is not responsible for their content.

Senhor Presidente, pode dizer-se, de facto, que é por um triz que estamos a reformar os Fundos Estruturais.
Mr President, you may well say that we are reforming the Structural Funds at the very last moment.
Escapámos a uma catástrofe ambiental por um triz.
We escaped an environmental disaster by the skin of our teeth.
Mantenho que foi graças à Presidência finlandesa e ao Governo italiano que a Europa escapou por um triz a uma situação embaraçosa.
I maintain that it is thanks to the Finnish Presidency and to the Italian Government that Europe has narrowly escaped embarrassment.
escapar por um triz
Mais uma vez, o naufrágio de uma embarcação com migrantes ilegais ao largo da costa de Lampedusa esteve na origem da perda de vidas; a maioria dessas pessoas foi salva por um triz.
Yet again, the capsizing of a vessel of illegals off the coast of Lampedusa claimed casualties; the bulk of passengers and crew could only just be saved.

Portuguese How to use "triz" in a sentence

Outros termos familiares para estes eventos são "por um triz" ou no caso de objetos em movimento "quase colisão".
Você sabia, quem não morre escapa por um triz?

Portuguese How to use "por um triz" in a sentence

Outros termos familiares para estes eventos são "por um triz" ou no caso de objetos em movimento "quase colisão".
Você sabia, quem não morre escapa por um triz?

Portuguese How to use "a close shave" in a sentence

I fear we have shipped up -- a close shave.
It's like wind in shorn hair, all the exhilaration of escaping a close shave.
So, if you're ready to get rid of your facial hair, here's a quick guide on how to get a close shave every time.
It was a close shave for the university, which said it regarded the burning of education infrastructure as being treasonous.
But, if you don't want a close shave, it could be an option.

Portuguese How to use "a hair's breadth" in a sentence

Most of all, the greenback has fallen against gold, which is now a hair's breadth from its all-time high.
He needs the tape: he is just a hair's breadth away.
A nuclear war is averted by a hair's breadth.
It states that if these constants and quantities were altered by even a hair's breadth, the delicate balance would be upset and life could not exist.
At 27pc, it is within a hair's breadth of the lead party.

Portuguese How to use "win by a nose" in a sentence

In the horse race of life, the horse named self-interest will always win by a nose.
She ran with older fillies and mares, winning by a nose.

Portuguese How to use "that was a close call" in a sentence